Think Martial Arts is not for you? Think again.

Maybe being a lean, mean fitness and martial arts machine is your end goal. But You don’t have to start out that way.

We get it!

The world of Martial Arts can seem intimidating. It can be easy to think you’re not going to fit in unless you a high level of fitness, flexibility or even skill.

But let us assure you… that’s the end goal. And everyone has to start somewhere.

Martial Arts Practitioners come from all walks of life. They can be accountants, bus drivers and primary school teachers. What they have in common is their goal – to be their best self.

If you’re feeling like perhaps Martial Arts is not for you, take a look at the video below. It will show you how this training philosophy can enable you to change your life, one step at a time.

When you start at Canberra Martial Arts, we’ll help out by providing access to our fitness program as well as martial arts programs. In your first 28 days you’ll start to lose weight, get fitter, feel better AND you’ll get to try 5 different martial arts styles to see which one suits your needs.

Remember this!!!

  • You don’t need to be fit to start – that’s our job to help you,
  • You need to make time – you’ll never “find time”,
  • Everyone will support you – they’ve all been there,

The scariest thing you’ll ever have to do is walk through the door, the rest we’ll do our best to make as fun, safe and engaging as possible. 

Ready to let go of those negative thoughts and start your journey towards better health? The first step is getting started, one class isn’t going to be enough to get you on the road to fitness, so our Foundation Program gives you unlimited access to over 20 classes each week to find your groove. All you need to do is CLICK HERE and complete the form. Then one of our coaches will call you right away to get you started.

Get Started With
A Free Intro Call

get started with Canberra Martial ArtS & Fitness

Complete the form below to get started with your Free Intro Call!